WOW... my co-teacher did it again! Family Fitness Night was again a great success. Over 150 people attended this event and over 100 children got to experience doing fitness activities with their parents. What a great experience to have with a family and an even better sight to see as a P.E. teacher.
This semesters fitness night was a little different than last semesters in that instead of doing stations the night was split into two main events.
A Fun Night for All
What is ZumbAtomic?
Black Light Defend the Den
Groups are split up into two teams on each side of the gym. Each team will have the same amount of pins (10-15) set up on the back line of their side. Foam balls are lined up in the middle of the gym between the two teams. On the whistle signal, teams will come to the middle, pick up a ball, and try to knock down the pins of the other side by rolling the ball. Teams may guard their pins, but they have to stand on the guard line which is marked by a tape line. Teams are not allowed to cross the center line. When a pin is knocked over it must stay down until the end of the game. Once all pins are knocked down the game is over and the game is reset to be played again. The twist we threw into the normal game of defend the den was we turned the lights out and hooked up some black lights. We then decorated the gym with neon paper, balloons, and tape.
Overall it was a huge success and very fun for all the participants. After the event, a survey was sent out to all the participating parents. Through the survey there was some awesome feedback and ideas to make this event and any other events we do that much better in the future.
Thank you Mrs. Dillon and Mrs. Aranda for a great event that definitely built up the moral in the school and in the community.
Thanks for letting me be a part of Fitness Night. I had a blast! :)